Case Study

Georgia College Nearly Triples Annual

Athletics Results in One Week

Georgia College & State University (GCSU) planned their first-ever athletics week of giving and all communications were sent through their Thankview portal. This included a promotional video, personalized appeals to donors for 11 different sports, a mid-week update, and personalized thank-yous to everyone who donated.

Student athletes were featured in many of the videos to connect donors directly to those they impacted. All participating athletes were also Seniors, helping to introduce them to the institution’s culture of
philanthropy before graduation.

The event raised over $100,000 from 419 unique donors - 202 of which were new to the institution! In the previous year, Georgia College & State University's (GCSU) athletics program raised just over $35,000 from 173 unique donors in total.


Unique Videos


Donor Replies

We’re excited to continue to deepen our relationship with graduating students through ThankView to build an engaged alumni community.


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