Your End of Year Checklist

by Delaney Strittmatter on Aug 26, 2020 8:50:41 AM

Fundraising is a deadline-driven industry and a big one is coming up in a few short weeks: the end of the calendar year. Huge s/o to Lindsay Roth for creating this checklist — these steps will ensure that you’re closing out 2019 on a strong note.


Your Checklist.

Be sure to prep your data, messaging, and video strategy going into the end of the year. Here’s a list of things to accomplish in each of these categories to strengthen your end of year outreach.

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By setting up a theme and identifying the prospects you want or need to target, your messaging will have cohesion and land in a more memorable way as you are messaging prospects.


Get Creative.

Think about where you could innovate. Could you thank scholarship donors from a group of students who received support recently? Encourage support of an on-campus food pantry given the time of year? Consider rewriting a popular holiday tune or poem to get into the spirit of the season and remind your donors that there’s still time to make a gift.

Check out some of these great examples, below:


Webinar Recording

For the full webinar with even more examples, tips and tricks, be sure to check out the link below.