Case Study
Feminist Frequency Amplifies Their
Year-End Giving And Stewardship
On Giving Tuesday 2020, Feminist Frequency launched their year-end campaign using ThankGiving for the first time. As donors hit their Givebutter page, they were encouraged to double their impact by unlocking a $5,500 matching gift as well as follow along with updates, read notes from other supporters, and keep up with the progress of the campaign goal with built-in page features.
With transactional data flowing into the ThankView platform, Feminist Frequency was also able to easily identify gift thresholds for stewardship. Initially, they sent ThankViews to donors giving over $1,000, but with the simplicity of video creation through the platform and an established cadence for recording, they moved this threshold down until they were sending almost every donor a personalized thank you.
The power of this tool is not the major donor work, but surprising the donors who don’t give at those levels. They feel truly delighted when they’re personally recognized.
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