

Social Media Toolkit



Download by right-clicking an image below to save it onto your computer. You can also simply drag it onto your desktop.


Copy and paste one of the sample messages below into your social post —or create your own message that includes the #GratefulWednesday hashtag.



Upload the #GratefulWednesday image saved onto your computer to accompany your social post. Remember to encourage others to join the #GratefulWednesday conversation!


Join the Gratitude Conversation

In your social post, remember to loop in everyone else celebrating this special day by using the hashtag #gratefulwednesday


Thank you for your generosity during #GivingTuesday! With your gifts, we were able to [detail the impact made]. We were only able to achieve this milestone because of you. Thank you for supporting [mission or cause]! #GratefulWednesday


Thank you for your generous gift to [fund or campaign name]! Every gift helps [detail the impact made]. We want to recognize you for helping us to make huge strides forward! #GratefulWednesday


 Yesterday, you helped us [detail results of fundraising campaign]. Today we want to thank and recognize you for all of your support! With you, we could not [detail mission or cause]. We can't thank you enough! #GratefulWednesday


Thank you to everyone who donated to our #GivingTuesday campaign yesterday! Because of you we were able to [detail results of the campaign or future impact the donations will have]. Today, we want to recognize you and all that you helped us achieve. THANK YOU for helping us [detail mission or cause]! #GratefulWednesday


We are blown away by all of the support we received on #GivingTuesday! It is thanks to all of you that we [detail campaign results or resulting impact]. We appreciate each and every one of you for your generosity. Thank you! #GratefulWednesday


In addition to our social posts, we've created some stunning animations for you to use however you like to create beautiful gratitude content! Find them all on GIPHY and use them however you like! Instagram stickers, emails, feel free to get creative.

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Make Thank Yous easy with ThankView

Personalized gratitude is essential on Grateful Wednesday. ThankView allows your team to easily create and send personalized videos to thank those that matter most.