ThankView Blog | Fundraising & Nonprofit Best Practices/Insights

9 Ways Modern Nonprofits Use Social Media Fundraising

Written by Ashlee Sang | Jan 29, 2021 7:53:57 AM

Social media may seem “new” compared to traditional mediums, but one thing is for certain: online fundraising is here to stay. And if you want to make the most of your fundraising potential, you need to take advantage of social media as a form of fundraising.

If you create posts that resonate with potential donors, the platform will do the heavy lifting for you. Collecting donations online allows your team to raise funds while you sleep or focus time in the office on other fundraising tools. If you’re eager to engage your supporters and reach people outside of your personal networks, social media is the place to turn.


1. Reach Donors Where They Are

People across the globe spend a tremendous amount of time online. Your existing donors and prospects are no exception. Whether you’re promoting a specific fundraiser or doing long-term brand awareness, social media is one of the best places to connect with new supporters en masse.

Like any outreach strategy, your target audience should be at the center of your decision-making. Consider the types of donors you want and already have. Ask yourself where each demographic spends their time online. 

In general, Facebook skews a little older and Instagram is the main platform for millennials. If you want to reach a younger audience, you’ll need to tap into TikTok, Snapchat, and any emerging social media channels. Obviously LinkedIn lends itself to professionals. 

You don’t need to be in all the places, especially not at first. Decide on one to two platforms where you know you’ll find the people you want to reach. Start there and expand to other platforms when your team has the capacity to create good, consistent content on new sites. 

If you find subscribers are donating regularly, keep at it. If not, consider how you might adjust your content or the platform you’re using.


2. Use Social Media as a Bridge Between Online and In-Person

If you have a fundraising event, think about how you can get people talking about it on social media. Maybe it’s special hashtag attendees can use to post about the event in real-time. Maybe it’s a shared photo album they can view. Maybe it’s a referral link they can share to get more people to register. Or the reverse can work — after supporters attend an event, be sure to keep them engaged in future fundraising and event opportunities via continued social media posts.


3. Incorporate Hashtags

Use hashtags so that people can find you organically. People can search hashtags surrounding the causes they care about. So if someone searches #musicprograms because that’s where their heart lies, they’ll find any person or organization who has posted using that hashtag. 

Even if they don’t follow your organization or have never ever heard of you, potential donors can find and support your work if you post using hashtags they follow. It’s your job to make sure the accompanying post shows exactly how your #musicprograms create impact for participants and why the reader should stop scrolling to see how your music programs are special. 

The following examples show the variety you’ll find by simply searching #musicprograms.


4. Create Meaningful Content

As with any content marketing, producing good quality, consistent content is paramount to success. Not only does it appease the elusive algorithm, it also makes the humans you’re interacting with feel as though they’re in good hands. Relevant content that shows up regularly in people’s social media feeds builds trust and increases brand awareness.

Well-made content also lends itself to people wanting to share your posts. This spreads the word about your story and cause. Creating shareable content sets you up for people to advocate on your behalf, allowing you to reach people beyond your direct followers. 

Both the visuals and the messaging matter with social media posts. Invest in quality photos, infographics, and videos. Tell stories of impact and choose words that stir emotions in readers. 

For example, Tostan uses colorful, local imagery to match their positive tone of voice. Their posts connect people across the globe to positive change in real communities.


5. Draw From Content in Your Community

One way to lighten the load with content creation is to rely on user-generated content — having people tell their stories from their own points of view. This type of content works with donors, volunteers, and program beneficiaries. They reference your organization, you amplify their voice, and viewers perceive the post as highly authentic (rather than self-promotional).

You can also take the opportunity to thank donors and partners publicly via social media. Be sure to tag their profiles so that all their followers will see your mention of them. The idea is to reach existing social networks and grow from there.


6. Customize and Optimize Your Profiles

Simply creating a profile on social media will not magically draw in donors or raise money. You need to optimize each profile according to the features of each platform. 

Branding matters, even on casual mediums like social media. Your entire online presence should be consistent, from the words you use to the colors and style of your visuals. Choose a sharp profile photo (your logo is the safest bet). Clean up your bios so that they clearly state what you do and who you help. Make sure your website is linked to the specific page you want people to land on — likely to the fundraising page, but potentially the homepage or a specific program page.


7. Follow Platform Updates

Use all the bells and whistles of each platform, taking advantage of the aspects beyond the standard post. This includes live video, stories, polls, and more. Consider where your donors may be spending their time and how they’ll want to interact with you and each flashy feature.

Many platforms (like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter) also have space for a cover photo. Don’t leave this blank. Use this banner area to make an announcement, have a particular call to action, or showcase a particularly compelling visual. 

B Lab uses their bold brand color, logo, font, and tagline to make a strong impression in their banner.


8. Include a Call To Action

So, you’ve moved your audience with your eye-catching photo or video and a great caption. Now what? Each post should end with a clear call to action. In this case, that should be how they can donate to your cause. For more direct fundraising campaigns, consider listing the call to action and a link to the campaign page first so that it’s placed before the “See More” text cutoff. You don’t want donors to have to do anything extra to understand that you’re asking for funds.


9. Get Verified

Make sure you’re a verified nonprofit on Facebook (and Instagram by extension, as they’re connected in your Facebook business portal). This will allow you to add a “Donate” button on your Facebook page to collect donations directly via the platform. Instagram also has “Donation” stickers you can use in your Instagram stories. 

Verifying your nonprofit’s status isn’t automatic. It requires some tax documents for the organization and personal information about your CEO or executive director. But it’s worth it. The more barriers you can remove between your donor and your donation page, the better.


Plan a Winning Social Media Strategy 

Your posts and engagement with donors via social media should be part of a broader fundraising strategy. You still need personal stewardship, email outreach, and other forms of advertising. Like all marketing, social media fundraising appeals may not convert into a donation right away. But if you provide enough great content over enough time, in combination with your other efforts, it’s sure to pay off. 

As one of the most cost-effective, easily traceable ways to fundraise, social media is a powerful tool. Once you find your groove on your platform(s) of choice, be sure your social fundraising is seamless with your traditional fundraising efforts. 

This should include a thoughtful thank-you process. At ThankView, our personalized video platform makes it easy to engage your audience, raise awareness and funds, and turn first-time social media donors into lifetime supporters. Sign up for a demo now.